SESSION NR.1 Filming Dance

Is the live experience with dance irreplaceable? Is dance on screen its own artform? Can we dance digitally? How are dance artists reaching audiences during lockdowns?
Restrictions of lockdown are challenging and require new solutions. What did the almost two years of pandemic teach us about filming dance?
Munich-based; Ceren Oran (Choreographer), Jasmine Ellis (Film Director/ Choreographer), Harun Isik (Film Director) and Benedict Mirow (Film Director) share their ideas, inspiration, and experiences in working with dance on screen.
Premiering works produced during the pandemic times; the short film series of the performance "Schön Ander" by Ceren Oran in collaboration with Harun Isik and 3 shorts by Jasmine Ellis.
Discussions will be moderated by Anna Donderer.
The event is part of a three-day artistic gathering organized by Ceren Oran in Munich, supported by the TANZPAKT RECONNECT program.
11.02.2022 20:00
Kulturzentrum Giesinger Bahnhof